
Eternal circle

Odwieczny krągThe etude "Eternal Circle" (2008) is the result of the fascination with music on the part of the Theatre's founder, Beata Wielopolska. It was created using excerpts from the ballet "Romeo and Juliet" of Sergej Prokofiev (1936) and – for the purpose of creating a dramatic finale – from "Carmina burana" of Carl Orff (1937).

We invite you to watch some entirely new characters: Water, Doges, Shepherdesses, Harlequins, and finally Snow Flakes (the Bride and the Bridegroom – maybe they are our Romeo and Juliet?), the figures, which were all arranged according to the alternating threads of lyrical or dramatic character of music, or else to "allegro".
With the increasing tension there appear Widows and Requiem,
and in the second part the devilish Gnomes, which one after
another are deluding the participants of the enchanted circle. Shadows, masks, mimes – all of them take part in the eternal procession of life and death.

Idea, scenario and directing: Beata Wielopolska
Costumes: Bożena Wielopolska i Beata Wielopolska
Choreography: Wacław Gaworczyk
Photos: Mariusz Seliga